Sunday, August 22, 2010


types of grahics data!

Vector Data
In computer graphics, vector data usually refers to a means of representing lines, polygons, or curves (or any object that can be easily drawn with lines) by numerically specifying key points. The job of a program rendering this key-point data is to regenerate the lines by somehow connecting the key points or by drawing using the key points for guidance. Always associated with vector data is attribute information (such as color and line thickness information) and a set of conventions (or rules) allowing a program to draw the desired objects. These conventions can be either implicit or explicit, and, although designed to accomplish the same goals, are generally different from program to program.

Bitmap Data
Bitmap data is formed from a set of numerical values specifying the colors of individual pixels or picture elements (pels). Pixels are dots of color arranged on a regular grid in a pattern representing the form to be displayed. We commonly say that a bitmap is an array of pixels, although a bitmap, technically, consists of an array of numerical values used to set, color, or "turn on" the corresponding pixels on an output device when the bitmap is rendered. If there is any ambiguity in the text, we will make the distinction clear by using the term pixel value to refer to a numerical value in the bitmap data corresponding to a pixel color in the image on the display device

- i generally used a vector sorcue of data while making my tshirt graphics as i used a varity of photos to layout a final display which consisted of a freehand approch to the task as for the oppiste applies to a bitmapn data formate.
the colours contrasting a shapes all used in the graphics show the effect of a vector database.

T-shirt graphics!

here is a view of the end result of my t-shirt desgins in which were frisly developed using the software inscape. then transfered to a photo based layout and scaning on tha paint program to result.
The logo that is seen on the back desgin of my tshirt is as seen below which was develop by reshma
and the back desgin also.

NATIONAL CHOCOLATE WEEK..Planning and organising!

• identify and analyse an event to promote. In a couple of sentences describe the purpose of your information system.
The purpose of our information system as a group promoting The event names "national Chocolate week" we intend to make as many people awear of the event as possible to extract a decent outcome. The infromation system will keep the event structer and runnings in an organised manner to keep things efficant and an reduce overall conflict. im aim a positive out come and a sucssful event week!

• recognise the resources that are relevant, available and required for use in developing the system. Make a list of hardware and software that you will require to build your system. programs used to distigushish the various tast that each team member from
will be organisged and drafly layout on a google docs softward to the transfer into a data base and or other relvent things such a graphic desgins ect...

-Databases(reshma & Steph)
-radio advertisment
-even reason(fundrasing)
as these tasks were distrubuted my section was designing the t-shirt grapchics
to promote this event and hopefully send a message a raise awearness since it is a charity event in taking action towards child labour!

Friday, June 18, 2010


My dissucsion firstly on Laptops i believ Taking notes on a computer is much easier for some people, because many people can type twice as fast as they write. Plus, on a computer screen, it is much easier to organize thoughts. Instead of crossing things out and making a mess of the page, a computer has a DELETE key. etc also the weight is lighter then 10 texts book and note books also the new age where it is commonly use by students at home so why not at school? it is something they are familiar with so it may be benifical
although there are cons to any situation and in this case it could be from Laptop failure to battery life to even stoge of files could all be lost in one hit also the level of productivity will be effected this is a trend which will be mentioned later on but However, this is purely a matter of preference. Whichever method is more efficient for a particular student is the method they should use,

Pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or even general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, in this case represented by a graph.
The Project task was Based on the information that could be possibly gained from the staff and students whithin the school to change the usage of text books to laptops and the various factors the surround it.
• the processing done by your system using screen dumps where appropriate
well thought out the project you use a vars amouth of this because of the uploading to blogger which in my oponion find more efficant and usful then a hard copy which like i mentioned in the project journal is a positive effect on the topic of this assignent. Blog provides a canvas almost to display data which has been conducted then displayed also analysied, to then result with the realable data that helps determain many for future the possible happening of this senario?

• draws conclusions from the information displayed
The data resulted in this project shows a various amout of trends
one of which is strongly hightlighted when Teachers and students have a verry different oppion on the general idea of Productivity.
a factor could be the status difference in the class room which could be dependent on this, that also contributes to age etc..
but the data shows the teacher believe that students will be off task and not very much productivity will take place in the class room and mostly the reasons where for Social networking and gamming etc..
on the other hand students believe they will remain on task even thought there state after would the temptations of social networking and gameing etc...
an other trend which is seen is the usage of a computer our side of school
where the students percentage over shadowed the teachers this also could be effect by the different generations perhaps?
Other then these factors and trends on most other topics there wasnt a great deal of trend of difference but fairly consistent
in conclution Laptops would be welcomed by both students and teachers althought i picked up that there many be limitaions because of the results shown once again.
in the graphs seen in previous post you can spot the main trends i highlighted

Project Jornal two.

Working on the evaluation/analyisation of this project the difficulties that arise are the hardware that is used
the programing formulas etc was an issue of conduction although esay to get though as sorces of infromation was anywhere to be found.
also the report of trend cause abit of an issue when there was either no trend of a very distinct trend which leads to to much spearationa nd confustion of what to beleieve alsmost!
Other then that the uploading of project to blogger is a very efficant way to present the assignmnt in a way this is related to the assignment task it self
which in my opinion is a positive
there was no troubles in contducting a finished prodcut on blogger
a dissuction on the trends is in the report :)



Evaluating results

Results to Student survey!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Gantt Chart

Project Journal

• Predict the sorts of social and ethical issues that may arise of numerical info system? While analysing this data you must consider the various ethnical issues that may arise such as the overall acceptance of using laptop and even affordability and the responsibility of usage etc... These factors are shown in the results of the survey that was conducted and the trends and values that were highlighted. A social issue involved in this is the Prediction of loss of handwriting skills although in a time period where the majority of work is done though the form of technology there is a split opinion of the statement and again this is shown within the survey results student and staff although especially the staff which is a trend.
• Assess the hardware and software requirements needed to meet the numerical information system’s needs. The applications both soft ware and hardware required to assets in the conductions of a numerical information system includes: Google docs, Excel, an information system to send out Survey ( in this case Face book) and in extension to display the data and information a structure of online journaling (in this case Blogger)
• Discuss the merits of the different data collection strategies used on the forms. While conducting a survey you need to ask appropriate question that will give you a more reliable answer and the different strategies are of proper open and closed questions, a free reasons is time consuming for both parties although give more depth to the issues and scale gives a fair average checkboxes give exact purpose. The correct strategies and questioning must be used to gain a good source of data.
A good structured survey compels a meaningful set of data in results and this is exemplified though the usage of a Google doc spreadsheet. Also when displaying data you must use correct formation to help understand clearly what has happened and that depends on when you use either a pie, bar, line etc... (Graph)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Process of conducting survey

During the process of conducting this survey to gain valuable information of a new form of learning.
with the student surveys it is in simiallar structur of the staff survey. The issuse in which is being evaluated is if Laptops should replace textsBooks in a school class room.
The reason questions must be simillar is to show either contraste or trends between the two groups
This then gives a generalised idea on the situdation and a realable source of information.
such other factors that is important to consider when conducting a usful survey is other underlaying issues for example efficiency of resources like paper? sortager of laptops? Provided laptops of childs own ( and if affordablilty is an issue?) productivity while doing class work? etc... all these concerns are what needs to be asured of.
Also questioning is important in helping gain consistent information, as misinterpurtation or not undersatnd or even to peronal can casue downfall in the survey resluts (also open and or closed questions need to be displayed correctly)
The template of your survey again must be Necessary also.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Link to Student Survey

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

tools for transmitting and receiving


Data can be moved in two ways serial or parrallel.

SERIAL DATA TRANSMISSION: is a form on transferring digital infromation. in serial system, the digital data sent one bit and a time.
indivual data peieces running on the same line or transmission.
hence PARALLE DATA TRANMISSION consestes of more line...

**** controlling the flow

what is a full duplex? its the fastest and most efficent way yo controll the movement of data between system or devices.

half duplex allows data to move in both derections but not at the same time.

- simplex data links allow the data to move in only one derection in a simplex system there is no end to reciving transmission.
signal timming
-asynchronous communincation link has no set time data to be trasnmitted or recieved.
-synchronous communication links uses agreed times for data to be transmitted adn recieved

Data speed
the speed in which decuces send data to each other is another wital factor in communications links.
-bits per second

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Data and information

data is collected from the environment of an information system, it is relatvely raw and is basically unproessed facts or details, information results when the data is analysed by information system to give it meaning...

the seven infromation processes
(coast pd)
collecting- the process by dadt in entered into or captured by a computer system, including
-deciding what data is required
-how it is spurced
-how it is encoded for entry into the system
Organising- the process by which data is structured into a form appropriate fo the use of other informayion processes such as the format in which data will be represented
analysing- the process by which data is inperpreted, transforming it into information
storing and retrieving- the process by which data can be accsessed late
processing- a proedure that manipulates data and information
displaing- the process that contrils the format of information presented o the participant or use